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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What It Cost Me To Follow Jesus

I will start off by saying this. Jesus will take care of you...

I had to give up a lot of things to become a Christian. Yes, it is true.

I had to give up the trash in my life, for things of value.
I had to give up guilt in my life, for freedom.
I had to give up depression, for peace of mind.
I had to give up being poor on earth, for riches in Heaven.
I gave up sadness, for joy.
I gave up hell, for Heaven.

So, today is a good day to make a decision to give up the things that will not last for the things that will last for eternity.

It does not cost more to follow Jesus. But it will cost you things that are a waste of your time on this earth. And we know that life is too short to waste our time on foolish things. Make your life count. Everything that you are searching for in this life can be found in Jesus Christ.

I ran across an awesome video the other day. Check it out when you get a chance.


Click Here to watch this awesome video.
It is so heart touching.